
Litter Mania 🚮

Litter Mania 🚮

This week we're going to do something beautiful for our respective communities.

Grab your gloves, a big black plastic bag, and maybe one of those grabby thingies. Take a walk in your local neighbourhood and fill the plastic bag with litter. Dispose of this trash in a sustainable manner (that means sort it).

Are you already an avid litter warrior? Good for you, pat yourself on the back! Or consider taking one of our other challenges.

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Week 27

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Collect litter from your local neighbourhood

Icon of a bullseye



Let's study

3 facts

A KAB’s 2009 Littering Behavior in America research found that 17% of all disposals observed in public spaces were littering, while 83% disposed of litter properly.

Cigarette butts take a grand total of ten years to decompose because of cellulose acetate, contrary to the common perception that cigarette butts decompose very quickly in only a matter of days.[3] In reality, cigarette butts are a serious threat to the environment, as they contain toxic substances like arsenic which can contaminate soil and water.

Plastic litter is often being mistaken for food by both land and marine wildlife. When consumed by animals, they reduce the stomach capacity since they cannot be digested. In the long-term it affects the animals’ eating habits, eventually killing the animals.

3 tips

Get a Grabber Tool: Buy a grabber tool; it makes collecting litter easier and keeps your hands clean.

Sort as You Go: Bring several smaller bags to sort litter while you're on the move. If the bags are still clean after, reuse them next time.

Invite Others: Call friends or family to join you. The more, the merrier, and it makes a bigger impact!

3 habits

Weekly Cleanup Routine: Set a specific day each week for a litter walk. Consistency turns it into a positive habit.

Keep Supplies Ready: Always have a grabber tool and bags stored in your car or by your door, making it easy to grab and go.

Document Your Impact: Take photos before and after your cleanup and share them on social media or a group chat to inspire others and track your impact.

Engage !

Take the pledge
Share the journey

We'de LOVE to see you and your friends take this challenge and share your journey with us*.

*Please ensure that you participate in challenges safely and responsibly. Always consider your personal limits and local regulations before engaging. Read also the Disclaimer before undertaking any Challenges.



Single-Use Eliminator 🥡

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Week 26

Icon of a flag


Get take-away food in your own containers

Icon of a bullseye



The Big Chill 🥶

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Week 28

Icon of a flag


Take cold showers for a week

Icon of a bullseye



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