
Single-Use Eliminator 🥡

Single-Use Eliminator 🥡

You guys have been crushing it with the challenges, you deserve a treat! This one should be easy.

In this week's challenge, we're going to order take-away from our favourite place, but you have to tell them not to wrap or pack ANYTHING before you get there, as you will bring your own containers.

This is something we should shape into a habit and will eliminate A LOT of waste.

Already bring your own containers to get take-away? Good for you, pat yourself on the back. Or consider taking one of our other challenges.

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Week 26

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Get take-away food in your own containers

Icon of a bullseye



Let's study

3 facts

In the UK, it’s estimated that 2.2 million tonnes of plastic packaging enter the consumer market every year. In 2019, a survey found that the UK generated around 11 billion items of packaging waste in a year. A study of 1,200 workers found that the average lunch order had four packaged items, including sandwiches, crisps and snacks.

The internationally recognised fast-food chain McDonald’s produces about three tonnes of packaging waste every minute, almost two million tonnes of packaging waste a year.

A study found that about 50-80% of ocean litter is plastic items from takeaway food and drinks. Shame on us!

3 tips

Plan Ahead: Decide in advance which day you'll get take-away, and bring your containers with you to work or wherever you'll be.

Call Ahead, Don’t Order Online: Place your order by phone, and make it clear you’ll bring your own containers. If they won’t accommodate, choose a different restaurant.

Build a Relationship: Talk to your favorite take-away spots about regularly using your own containers for future orders.

3 habits

Keep Containers Handy: Always have a set of reusable containers in your bag or car, so you’re ready whenever you decide to get take-away.

Support Sustainable Businesses: Make it a habit to favor and promote restaurants that welcome your container initiative. Consistently ordering from these places encourages them to maintain eco-friendly practices.

Spread the Word: Encourage friends and colleagues to bring their own containers too. The more people who do it, the more restaurants will adapt to this sustainable practice.

Engage !

Take the pledge
Share the journey

We'de LOVE to see you and your friends take this challenge and share your journey with us*.

*Please ensure that you participate in challenges safely and responsibly. Always consider your personal limits and local regulations before engaging. Read also the Disclaimer before undertaking any Challenges.



The Big Chill 🥶

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Week 28

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Take cold showers for a week

Icon of a bullseye



Litter Mania 🚮

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Week 27

Icon of a flag


Collect litter from your local neighbourhood

Icon of a bullseye



Feel like more challenges? It's never too late!

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